CSS / Markdown / Microservices
Unsere E-Mail für Fragen, Anregungen & Kommentare: hallo@python-podcast.de
News aus der Szene
- Ultraschall 5 / Reaper / Auphonic
- PEP 654 -- Exception Groups and except / Twitter Thread / trio
- Notes on structured concurrency, or: Go statement considered harmful
- Closure (wikipedia)
- PEP 3134 -- Exception Chaining and Embedded Tracebacks
- asyncpg -- A fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio
- iPython 8 Release
Django Bootstrapping
- Cookiecutter Django
- Better Project And App Structure for Django | Projekt/App-Template von Johannes
- django-unstuck Projekt von Johannes
- Bootstrap / Foundation / Materialize / UIkit / Semantic UI / Ant Design / Bulma / tailwindcss
- BEM / less / sass / postcss
- Mini: mvp / minicss / picocss / simplecss
- Windy
- Revision 516: Tailwind CSS v3.0
- Buch zu Webdesign: Refactoring UI
- missing.style aus der htmx-community
- Bookmarkingprojekt: konektom
Worin Dokumentation schreiben?
- Mermaid / draw.io
- reStructuredText
- Zettelkasten
- typora / Obsidian / Simplenote
- MkDocs
- Simon Willison: Writing better release notes / How I build a feature
pdcst / Podcast Client
- Habe mal angefangen einen Podcast-Client zu schreiben: pdcst
- Rich CLI / bat
- django-crispy-forms
Rant Microservices
- Folge 99 - Sam Newman - Monolith to Microservices
- You know they say economists know the price of everything and the value of nothing? Well, programmers know the benefits of everything and the trade-offs of nothing. -- Rich Hickey
- Buch: Software Architecture with Python